To continue to proceed with your payment, you must accept the following TERMS OF USE. Please read and fully understand the following terms and press the “I have read and agree to the terms and conditions” checkbox on the Payment and Billing Details page to acknowledge that you have read and accept these terms. Acceptance of these terms is required to continue to payment. If you do not accept these terms, then click on the red Back button on the Payment and Billing Details page.
The systems in place for automated processing of information from the government agency to which you have an obligation for payment have been tested thoroughly and are subject to multiple levels of backup, confirmation and security. By using this automated payment system, USER acknowledges and understands that Government Window is providing this service as an agent of the government agency you are making a payment to for the strict purpose of accepting electronic payments due to the government agency and remitting such funds to the government agency. Government Window has no legal authority related to the USER’s obligation to the government agency. By using this system, USER also acknowledged errors may occur just as errors can occur with human processing of information. By using this service, you agree that this is voluntary and that you (the “USER”) understand that the service fee added to the payment(s) being made are charged by the Provider to pay merchant processing fees, web hosting fees, administration and other costs and expenses associated with providing this service. No part of the service fee benefits the government agency, or, any specific civil service individual or any jurisdiction in which the charges or fees were levied, incurred or are being paid.
Other than in connection with processing the payment being made, to the fullest extent possible, identifying private information will not be distributed in any way. No data records or other information will be used, released or sold to any third party. No information will be released to any other party unless such party requires the information for purposes of processing or providing another service essential to completing the transaction related to the payment(s) being made.
Government Window, LLC (the “Company”) agrees to use all reasonable efforts to provide accurate processing of information provided from files provided by the government agency, and to diligently distribute information provided by the USER to the government agency. Government Window, LLC cannot and does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of any provided information provided and expressly disclaim any warranty, including merchantability and fitness for a particular use under the Uniform Commercial Code of Georgia beyond the extent of the service fees paid by the user of the service.
Government Window, LLC has in place a comprehensive security plans and internal control plan which is designed to ensure the anonymity of program user information. Further, access to such information is controlled and restricted to authorized personnel only. The payment submission process uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to virtually eliminate the possibility of unauthorized access to your private information while it is being transferred across the internet. Your personal financial data is NOT stored on computers administered by the Company.
By submitting this information electronically, you agree to release the government agency, court, judge, civil service individuals or any jurisdiction in which the charges or fees were levied, and Government Window, LLC, its principals, officers, directors, employees, agents affiliated companies, successors and assignees (collectively the ‘Providers’) from any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected to the use of the Program or with the delay or inability to use it, or for any information, software, products and services obtained through this program, or otherwise arising out of the use of this program, the internet generally, or on any other basis (whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise.) The Providers will not be responsible for any security breaches or noncompliance with Federal or State law or terms of this agreement which results in any act or omission of the USER or a third party unrelated to the negligence of the Provider.
The operation of this online payment program is based in Canton, Georgia and any action of any nature against the company must be brought in Cherokee County, Georgia. You agree not to challenge the use of any electronic payment and additionally agree that any action brought by the Provider(s) against you to enforce any electronic payment for which any benefit has been provided to you in any way shall entitle the Provider(s) to per se probable cause for criminal action for theft of services or for civil recovery of all fees paid, process fees, costs, attorney’s fees, plus any incidental or associated damages proven by the Provider(s). Any such civil actions shall be bought in the courts of Cherokee County, Georgia, without regard to choose of law, and all parties consent to jurisdiction and venue therein. Nothing herein is to be construed as legal counsel or advice. Users should consult with their own legal counsel with respect to the implications of making the payment through this system.
Any purchases made by a USER from Government Window, LLC via the Government Window web services sites are NON-REFUNDABLE, in whole or in part, once the payment has been submitted, confirmed and accepted by the government agency. If the submission is rejected by the government agency, refunds will be processed via credit card, ACH or paper check. Any processing fees associated with the transaction are NON-REFUNDABLE.
All eCheck payments use the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network and are covered by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) rules. If you have chosen to pay by “eCheck”, you have or will authorize us to debit or credit your bank account using the ACH network. You may revoke this authorization at any time.
Revoking an authorization - If this is a single payment transaction, you must revoke your authorization prior to accepting these Terms and Conditions and prior to finalizing payment. To revoke authorization, simply choose another method of payment or leave the website prior to clicking the “Confirm Payment” button on the payment page. However, if you accept these terms and conditions and click “Confirm Payment”, then you must request a refund for any payments already made. If you have authorized eCheck payments for a series of payments, you may revoke this authorization at any time prior to the next scheduled payment by contacting the Government Window support team at 1-877-575-7233 (toll-free).
Debits and Credits - By accepting these terms and conditions and choosing to “Confirm Payment” using eCheck, you are authorizing us to debit and credit your bank account. A debit is a deduction from your account to pay the bill you have chosen to pay on line using this web site. A credit is use to put money in your account and will only be used to issue a refund when necessary and after approval.
Printed Receipt - For all eCheck transactions, you will receive an electronic confirmation number and/or receipt, and will also be given the option of saving or printing the receipt from the website. We strongly recommend you do so for your protection and records.
Jason Grimes
Tax Commissioner
Main Office
25 West Daniel Street,
Suite A,
Metter, GA 30439
Click here for map >
(912) 685-5247
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Motor Vehicle closes at 4:30 p.m. daily.
GovtWindow Help
(877) 575-7233